Social Media Optimization & Marketing (new blog)
I’ve just launched a new companion blog to this one devoted to social media optimization and marketing entitled SMOblog.
Social media optimization and marketing consists of optimizing the technical infrastructure of a website so that it is well-integrated with social media and marketing directly to online communities, blogs and other social media websites through a variety of methods.
SMOblog is going to take a look at what it takes for a website to successfully market to the social media in a positive, participatory way that is supportive of social media in general, and of individual communities in specific. I’m going to be striving to discern the good from the bad and the ugly techniques of social media optimization and marketing.
I’ll also be covering significant developments in social media from the perspective of the interested webmaster.
If you are interested in social media, I hope you’ll join me over there as well, either in person or via RSS.